Avdat (Ovdat)

Avdat, also known as Ovdat or Obodat was an important historic city on the Incense Route between the 7th and the 1st centuries BCE.

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Makhtesh Ramon (The Ramon Crater)

Ramon Crater is a geological feature of Israel's Negev desert

Located at the peak of Mount Negev, some 85 km south of the city of Beersheba.Israel Pictures: Ramon Crater (Makhtesh Ramon) the largest of the three Negev cratersIsrael Pictures: Ramon Crater (Makhtesh Ramon) the largest of the three Negev cratersIsrael Pictures: Ramon Crater (Makhtesh Ramon) the largest of the three Negev cratersIsrael Pictures: Ramon Crater (Makhtesh Ramon) the largest of the three Negev cratersIsrael Pictures: Ramon Crater (Makhtesh Ramon) the largest of the three Negev craters